Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 40

Hello Family, This has been a great week!  I am really, really,
really, really, really... enjoying it here.  :D
It is sooooo beautiful!  This morning, our district went hiking up to
this hill in Dao where there is a fantastic view!  We had a little
devotional up there where Sister Patricio, Sister Caceres, and Elder
Montecer, shared their testimonies because they are going home next
week.  Afterwards, we had a picnic and then we went down the hill and
played some Ultimate down on the beach.  I felt like I was in heaven!
:D  Needless to say.... I'm a little tired now, haha.  I want to post
pictures soooo bad... but unfortunately, this computer's USB thing is
out of order... my camera card is now getting pretty full... and it's
making my camera slow as well :(   I tried putting my pictures on a
flash drive that I bought, but for some reason it won't work... I hope
I don't end up losing all my pictures one of these days... that
happened to Sister Schocker....
Our investigators are doing okay.  They weren't able to make their
scheduled date... but they will be baptized sooner or later :D
hopefully sooner. But of course, it's better that they wait, than for
them to be baptized before they are ready.  I'm beginning to
understand more and more the importance and significance of repentance
and baptism.  It's not as easy as I used to think.  Some people have
to overcome really challenging things that I never even considered
before.  It's interesting to be here and see how their lives are
changed amat-amat through the gospel.  Accepting the gospel of Jesus
Christ is a process... and a very important and fulfilling process...
and it isn't completed after baptism.  We continue to develop and
exercise faith every day, we continue to repent daily, we continue to
keep our baptismal commitments and renew them weekly, and we continue
to live worthy of the spirit and follow his guidance throughout our
lives.  It's not just basta-basta.  We are really playing a role in
helping these people to come closer to Christ by helping them receive
the restored gospel.  It's medyo budlay sometimes, but it's so worth
I haven't given an update on the language in a while... I'm doing
super well! I love Kinaray-a!  I actually like it better than
Hiligaynon.  It sounds cooler.  Anyways... It's really coming.. but I
still make mistakes sometimes.  I'll share one.  The other day, we got
to the church to teach our investigator, Brother Ronnel, and it looked
like he had gotten a haircut.  Instead of saying "Nagpagunting ka?"
which means, did you get a haircut?, I said, "may gunting ka?" Which
means, do you have scissors?  haha.  He was looking pretty confused at
why I was asking him if he had a pair of scissors just as we were
about to start our lesson.  Brother Ronnel is great, I just love him
and his fiance.  They plan on getting married this month and I'm so
excited for them.  They are so cute together :D
Love you all... and I hope you are loving your life. Life is to be
enjoyed, not just endured... When we look back on our lives, we don't
want to wish we had spent more time smiling and enjoying the time we
had, the people we love, and the gospel we have been blessed with.
Happiness is a choice.  :D
Halong! :D
Sister McClellan

Pictures... this morning! :D

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