Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 47

It was a great week!! Garing, for some reason I feel un-motivated to write..
I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting yesterday.  It went really well, I
didn't have too much preparation, but I'm getting much more
comfortable just saying whatever comes to my mind and it always turns
out all right.  The language is not a barrier for me anymore.  It's
wonderful.  I talked about the importance of the BOM and how even if
you have read it a thousand times, we should continue to read it and
study it daily.  I talked about the power of the BOM and about how we
can and should apply it to our daily lives.
I'm so excited mom and dad for you both.  Not too long and you will be
serving as well!  Wearing the name tag is a great experience.  Just
talk to everyone you meet and refer them ALL to the missionaries,
haha.  The young missionaries there will love you. :D  Nami gid!
And... I'm also excited for Jarom and his family being sealed to Emma.
  Thank you April for sending me the blogs.  I really appreciate
knowing what's going on at home.  Heather will be having her baby
soon!  That's also very exciting.  I'm so grateful to have such a
wonderful family.  Thanks for your support and prayers.  I know you
all love me. :D I hope you all have a wonderful week.  Love you,

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