Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 45

Mayad nga hapon!  I’m emailing in the afternoon because the internet
wasn’t working this morning.  I just finished playing some soccer and
basketball and Frisbee at the park.  That was really fun, but now I am
super kapoy!!! (tired).
This morning, I had a kind of funny experience.  Sister Aurelio pulled
out a dime from her wallet, and I had no idea what it was.  She told
me it was the young woman torch on the back and I asked where she got
it.  She said an elder from America gave it to her.  That’s when I
realized it was a dime!!! But, for some reason it looked way too tiny
to be a dime.  Are dimes really that small??? I didn’t believe her for
a few minutes.  I thought it was fake.  But now I’m starting to
believe, maybe it really is a dime.  Weird.  The other day when we
were visiting the Americans, we saw a fake flower boquet made out of
real dollar bills and it took me by surprise too.  It was so funny.
I’m so used to the money here now.
We had a really good week this week.  For the first time in my whole
mission, we almost achieved every one of our weekly goals.  We were
very excited about that.  We had many member present lessons and 5
investigators at church, including 3 for the very first time who we
have been trying to get to church for many weeks.  We also have 7 new
investigators!  It was a very busy, busy week… and yet we feel like we
could do better.  Especially since we teach so many lessons which we
think went well and then they don’t keep commitments….   But they
will :D  Our investigator Reynaldo wants to be baptized so badly.  I
think he is the investigator who has the most desire to be baptized.
The problem is kasal (marriage).  They don’t have the money to get
married.  And every time they get close to saving enough, it seems,
one of their children get sick and they have to spend the money on
hospital or medicine.  I wish I could help them more.  His wife told
us the other day secretly that he has been practicing his testimony
for after his baptism.  He is really excited!  And I just thought that
was the best thing ever.  It made me smile a lot.
We had a really wonderful experience the other day.  We visited a
less-active member who has been less active for several years.  She
was sealed in the temple and now is separated from her husband.  They
have 2 adopted children who she is caring for.  Last Sunday, she came
to church and had her son given a baby blessing who just turned 3 this
week.  And she said the closing prayer in sacrament meeting.  Then
when we visited her, she told us it was time for her to come back.
She really wants her sons to be raised in the church and for them to
serve missions someday.  She shared with us the scriptures that she
read in D&C 6 that comforted her, which are also the same scriptures
that comfort me so often.  She wants to be worthy to hold a temple
recommend again.  And she wants to be sealed to her children… but I
don’t really know how she can do that… without her husband…?
Anyways, it’s been a fun week, full of good experiences.  As well as
some others that I will share after the mission is over, haha.  Kamaan
ko gid nga matuod gid and simbahan naton.  Kamaan ko gid nga kon
magpadayon kita sa ebanghelyo ni jesucristo, mangin mas malipay kita,
bala haw?  Sadya gid ang missionary work.  Excited gid ako para
kaninyo, especially para sa ginikanan ko, kay magmission man sanda!!!
Yippee!  Padayon kamo tanan nga mangin righteous sa adlaw-adlaw.
Palangga ko gid kamo.  Nahidlaw ko kaninyo, pero, mas importante kon
ano ginahimo ko kadya.  So, halong kamo pirme, ha.  Take care, and
continue to Lift where you Stand! :D
Love, Sister McClellan

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