Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 76

Funny story. One day, Sister Karaponga and I were going home riding on the back of a motorbike, behind the driver on a tricycle.  As we were riding, Sis. Karaponga turns to me and says very calmly... "Sister, my skirt is caught in the wheel... should I tell the driver?" haha, she's so funny! I said..."uhhh... yeah! like now!" For the next 30 seconds or so, she's trying to explain to the driver what happened and ask him to stop, but he doesn't get it.  Finally I say "diri lang!" which basically means "just here" or "this is where we get off" He stops and her skirt is really stuck in there!  She was lucky it didn't get ripped off her! haha.  They end up pushing the tricycle backwards with her walking beside, until they could finally rip it out.. .so funny!  Her dress was ruined though :(  And another day... we were walking home in the dark, and I stepped in a hole of mud.  Gross!! We used this as an opportunity to talk to someone and ask for some water to clean off my foot and shoe. Missionary work is so fun!
Wednesday I went on exchanges with Sister Bowen.  It was super cool to be her companion again! We haven't had an experience like that since the MTC so it was really cool.  We've both definitely changed a lot in the last year and a half.  We've both for sure improved in the language and in teaching. :D
Then, on Thursday, we did a CSP (service project) for a less-active family.  We pulled some weeds and cut some plants that they sell at the market (I forget what it's called...).  It was fun talking with them - they're like my second family here in this area.  The BEST part though, was that I got to ride their carabou! I don't know if that's how it's spelled. They don't have this animal in the states. I have pictures on my camera... I guess you'll see it in a couple weeks, hehe.
Our investigator Iryn, is doing so well. She told us the other day that from the day that we met her husband and were welcomed in their home, they have been receiving so many blessings. She's been recognizing all the tender mercies and has connected it as having started the very day we met her husband.  So cool!  I love them a lot... we're going to have FHE with them tonight which should be loads of fun! :D
We have another investigator who is super rich... I thought he was about to drop us, but we did our very best to follow the spirit. It was the most unique lesson I've ever had. I only spoke to him in English and for the first time, he really listened to what I was saying instead of interrupting. Also, we decided to just answer his questions instead of giving the lesson we had planned. "Teaching People, not Lessons" made all the difference. I really felt the spirit in that lesson and expect him to start progressing soon. He seems much more interested now in what we're sharing and even thanked us for the new insights he gained.  It's funny how sometimes I feel like I keep learning the same lessons over and over again... hopefully, I won't need to learn that one again.
Time goes so fast, no? how many more letters like this will I be writing? 2? wow, what a concept. :D
Sister McClellan

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