This last week was so exciting! Rodolfo was baptized on Saturday and confirmed and sustained yesterday in Sacrament Meeting. We are so happy for him and he really understands that he's started a new page in his life. We've been really working with one less-active family
taught. They are such a good family. Sorry, reading back, that sounds really complicated... oh well.
Exciting news! My companion Sister Swarna has a few more months of her mission left, but instead of finishing it here in the Philippines, she's finishing it in India. They are again opening missions there for sister missionaries to go. So, for the last few months of her mission, she will be training two missionaries to serve in her home country. She is so excited... and honored that the first presidency and quorum of the twelve apostles chose her for this responsibility. Her family received a personal letter from Thomas S. Monson... she's disappointed she only got a call from the Mission President, haha. I'm going to miss her so much! And... I'm a little nervous to be leading this area, but I know God will help me.
Something I learned this week, is that no matter how much you think you already know something and have had experiences and think you understand, you can always learn more about things and sometimes you even realize that what you thought you knew wasn't exactly right. My understanding of the gospel is increasing daily. Also, you can learn something new from everyone you meet. I have had to humble myself so many times already during my mission. We were teaching one sister yesterday with 4 kids and she had no food for them. It was heartbreaking, but it was also a positive experience to be able to testify that I knew that no matter what challenges she has, the gospel of Jesus Christ can help. Oh yeah, we also attended 3 funeral services this week for the same woman. It was a really busy week!
Then yesterday I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting, all in Hiligaynon. I think it went pretty well. We also did a ton of musical numbers... I can't even remember how many musical numbers we've given. So, you all know I'm using my talents out here :)
I know that this is the true church. As members of the church we all have the responsibility to share the gospel with others. Even if you can't serve a full-time mission, you can and should still be a missionary. Fulfill your callings, be a good example, pray for others, share your testimony. :)
Thanks everyone! Love you all!
Sister McClellan
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