This week was good! Our baptisms scheduled for this last Saturday
were postponed, but it's okay. They are still preparing and hopefully
will still be prepared to be baptized in the coming month. In the meantime, we have two other baptisms scheduled for August 25th. I am so so so excited for these, especially for Karla. She has really been
changing her life and has gained a testimony that all she has been
taught is true. She is doing her very best to prepare and I have no
doubt that she will be ready by her baptismal date. She is super
progressing! We love her so much!
We heard about that typhoon in Manilla, but it didn't really affect
us. We just got a notice from our mission president reminding us to
make sure that our 74 hour kits are up to date. I wish we had more
service opportunities where we are at... not meaning I wish there was
bad storms here, but other than helping with laundry occasionally, I
haven't had many opportunities to physically serve the people yet.
I'm keeping my eyes open though :-)
So... yesterday I got a new companion... Sister Ilaga joined us and so
now we are a three-some for a few weeks. Sister Swarna, Sister Ilaga,
and me. It should be fun! We had a fun time moving her bed into our
tiny room :) She is really awesome!
Good luck Dad with your court case. Sounds exciting! And Mom, it
sounds like you're loving life! I'm so glad you both are doing so
well! :-)
I'm running out of thoughts... so... I'll attach a few pictures. The
first is my district celebrating my companion's 24th birthday. Elder
Wilson is missing because he is taking the picture. The second one is
my zone at our zone meeting last week. And the last one is in the
backyard of a couple of our investigators. Pretty sweet, huh? It's
so beautiful!
Well, pasensiya gid for the lack of new exciting news. Next week I'm
sure I'll have more to write about :) I am so grateful to be here
and to be learning so much and to be meeting and helping so many
people. I know this church and this work is true! Continue to "Lift
Where You Stand!" I think that's our mission motto... anyways, love
you all!
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