I'm beginning to see little miracles already! We taught 7 new
investigators this week and that is a huge improvement for us. One of
our investigators has been struggling a lot because he lost his wife a
couple years ago and he and his son both are struggling to believe
that they can ever see her again. We taught them the plan of salvation
and I saw hope in his eyes. It was such a powerful experience and the
spirit was so strong. I can't wait to see more experiences like that.
It makes me so happy to see others faith growing even though it makes
me sad to see them suffering so much. I know that God has prepared a
plan for us that enables us to live with our families forever. Our
message is such a happy one and I am so grateful for the opportunity
that I have to share that message with others. I love all these
people so much.
My umbrella broke a few days ago and the next day I lost it somehow...
and I was really worried because it rains so so often here and we are
always walking in the mud and rain and we wouldn't have time until
today to buy a new one. Incredibly it hasn't rained since I lost it
and it will probably rain again tonight just after I buy a new one. I
am super blessed!
Also, this morning for P-Day, our district went to the beach and I
caught my first 4 fish ever! It was a very exciting hour :)
Ano pa? I've been understanding much, much more of the dialect. I
still can't say a whole lot, but I can follow the lessons pretty well
now and add a sentence here and there when my companion turns to me.
I want to say more, but I know they understand. I've always been so
shy that I wondered how I would be as a missionary. I'm definitely
not the best missionary, but at least I feel my desire to testify to
them increasing daily. I want to communicate with them so badly. And
my companion is so great. She gives me so many opportunities which
allow me to push myself and progress. I love her.
Sorry the pictures aren't the best... but they are the best I have so
far. The Philippines is such a gorgeous place. Every time I see
something awesome, I want to take a picture of it, but we shouldn't
look like tourists :)
I hope you are all doing well! love you all!
Sister McClellan
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