It was really nice being able to see and talk to a few of you on
Christmas! I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to any of you more than
just a couple minutes. I think it's funny how whenever we try to
skype, we spend more time trying to figure out the video and sound,
etc. than actually talking. I would have been happy with just a
phonecall, haha. I was surprised at the emotions I experienced while
talking to you... I can't even describe it. It was definitely
bitter-sweet and I'm still trying to get over it... but I'm doing well
and still loving my experiences here. I hope you all had a very merry
christmas and that you have a very happy new year. New Years here is
much the same I think as in other places. There have been parades
going on... I haven't gotten to see any though. Our curfew tonight is
5, so we won't have to proselyte among the fireworks and drunk people.
This week... I really can't think of anything to write about. We
don't really have very many super progressing investigators. We have a
couple who are progressing, but are waiting for the funds so they can
get married. That's the case for a lot of our investigators. They
just aren't married yet.
I am so grateful for you all. Continue to live the gospel. I love
you all so much and am excited about all the experiences and things
that are going on in your lives. Thanks for everything. Have a
wonderful new year! Love,
This blog was created to have a place to post letters and pictures from Heidi McClellan's mission to share with all of her family and friends.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Week 34
Dear Family,
Merry Christmas! I wish I could talk to you ALL this Christmas! :D
But I am excited to hopefully skype at least a couple of you. I hope
that each of you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.
Caroling - Caroling is different here. Lately, we've been hearing a
lot of kids caroling. Only kids. They go caroling more like
trick-or-treating, hoping for money in return. It's sad because
sometimes if the people don't want to give anything, they yell at the
kids to go away. :( When they came to our house, we gave them
crackers because we're not allowed to give them money. They were
super cute though, they made their own little shakers and instruments
out of smashed bottle lids and other things that they found. They
were singing mostly songs I didn't know. At first, I didn't realize
they were caroling until I heard Jingle Bells, haha.
Gas Stations - there are always workers standing outside. Usually
young men in uniforms, waiting to fell up the tricyle or whatever.
They always wave when I pass by. There are also guards, policemen, at
the entrance of almost every store. They are always super nice and
smile and wave at me too. They don't normally stop anyone, unless
they want to look real quick inside your bag. Restaurants and all
stores have really good service. One example, at Jollibee, which I
thought was just a normal burger restaurant, where you put your own
tray and garbage away, right? I tried, and everyone looked at me like
I was crazy, haha. At other grocery stores, there are usually workers
following us closely just in case we need anything. I don't know if
that's normal for everyone, or just because I'm a foreigner, but the
service everywhere is always super good!
Trash - On Friday we did CSP at our apartment, in our front yard. The
Elders came to help. We pulled out tons of weeds and swept up the
leaves, etc. And put everything in a huge pile and burned it all. A
big bonfire. That's how we get rid of all our trash. Once it fills
up in the house, we just open the door and throw it into a pile in the
backyard and burn it later... I think maybe that's illegal in America?
But that's how we do it here. In Roxas, I think there was a garbage
man who came. I'm not sure though. The apartment took care of it.
Here, we have a house.
I saw a Christmas Tricycle Parade the other day. People had decorated
their tricycles with Christmas lights and other things and at night,
they were all in a long line, driving through town. It was pretty
cool. I wish I could have taken a picture of it. We've also seen a
lot of funerals. People walk behind the car holding the deceased
person - instead of driving in a line, like in America. They don't
have cars, so they just all walk to the cemetary together.
We've had a few funny moments. The other week, Sister Patricio
slipped and fell down a muddy hill. (I think that's just their luck
being my companion, haha) We had to go home so she could change.
Yesterday as we were climbing down the same hill in the dark with only
the light of our phone to guide us, Sister saw a frog and got scared.
She jumped behind me and I led the way, with her clinging to my arm
the whole way. It was super funny.
We had a Branch Chrismas Party the other day and it was a success!
Luther, an investigator that we had only taught once before came and
the members were really good at fellowshipping him. He came to church
the next day too and plans to come again next week and bring his two
kids. I'm excited for him.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and remember Jesus Christ
and our Heavenly Father and the wonderful gifts that they have given
to us. I love you all and miss you. Take Care always,
Merry Christmas! I wish I could talk to you ALL this Christmas! :D
But I am excited to hopefully skype at least a couple of you. I hope
that each of you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.
Caroling - Caroling is different here. Lately, we've been hearing a
lot of kids caroling. Only kids. They go caroling more like
trick-or-treating, hoping for money in return. It's sad because
sometimes if the people don't want to give anything, they yell at the
kids to go away. :( When they came to our house, we gave them
crackers because we're not allowed to give them money. They were
super cute though, they made their own little shakers and instruments
out of smashed bottle lids and other things that they found. They
were singing mostly songs I didn't know. At first, I didn't realize
they were caroling until I heard Jingle Bells, haha.
Gas Stations - there are always workers standing outside. Usually
young men in uniforms, waiting to fell up the tricyle or whatever.
They always wave when I pass by. There are also guards, policemen, at
the entrance of almost every store. They are always super nice and
smile and wave at me too. They don't normally stop anyone, unless
they want to look real quick inside your bag. Restaurants and all
stores have really good service. One example, at Jollibee, which I
thought was just a normal burger restaurant, where you put your own
tray and garbage away, right? I tried, and everyone looked at me like
I was crazy, haha. At other grocery stores, there are usually workers
following us closely just in case we need anything. I don't know if
that's normal for everyone, or just because I'm a foreigner, but the
service everywhere is always super good!
Trash - On Friday we did CSP at our apartment, in our front yard. The
Elders came to help. We pulled out tons of weeds and swept up the
leaves, etc. And put everything in a huge pile and burned it all. A
big bonfire. That's how we get rid of all our trash. Once it fills
up in the house, we just open the door and throw it into a pile in the
backyard and burn it later... I think maybe that's illegal in America?
But that's how we do it here. In Roxas, I think there was a garbage
man who came. I'm not sure though. The apartment took care of it.
Here, we have a house.
I saw a Christmas Tricycle Parade the other day. People had decorated
their tricycles with Christmas lights and other things and at night,
they were all in a long line, driving through town. It was pretty
cool. I wish I could have taken a picture of it. We've also seen a
lot of funerals. People walk behind the car holding the deceased
person - instead of driving in a line, like in America. They don't
have cars, so they just all walk to the cemetary together.
We've had a few funny moments. The other week, Sister Patricio
slipped and fell down a muddy hill. (I think that's just their luck
being my companion, haha) We had to go home so she could change.
Yesterday as we were climbing down the same hill in the dark with only
the light of our phone to guide us, Sister saw a frog and got scared.
She jumped behind me and I led the way, with her clinging to my arm
the whole way. It was super funny.
We had a Branch Chrismas Party the other day and it was a success!
Luther, an investigator that we had only taught once before came and
the members were really good at fellowshipping him. He came to church
the next day too and plans to come again next week and bring his two
kids. I'm excited for him.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and remember Jesus Christ
and our Heavenly Father and the wonderful gifts that they have given
to us. I love you all and miss you. Take Care always,
Monday, December 17, 2012
Week 33
I don't know what to write about this week. I was able to watch the
Christmas Devotional yesterday, which was really good! I love the
first Presidency! Oh, I also gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting
yesterday. It was about the atonement and I'm pretty sure it was in a
mix of several languages. I read scriptures in English, and used a
mix of Tagalog, Ilonggo and Kinaraya. Maybe one of these days I'll
get transferred to Kalibo where I'll have to learn Aklanon too. It
went pretty well though, my language is definitely improving! Thank
you for your prayers!
We had a service project on Friday. We didn't know what it was going
to be until we got there so I was a little unprepared. We were
pulling weeds and trees and bushes... clearing the land completely...
and a lot of it! I worked as hard as I always do when I have a fun
project like that... but as a result I got dozens of nasty blisters.
I took my clothes to a shop this week because I couldn't wash them
myself, haha. I felt a little unlike myself for the next couple days
because I couldn't give people that firm grip of mine :D My handshake
is like my trademark! It's okay though, they are healing nicely :)
We have one investigator who lives in the most beautiful place I've
ever seen. Every time I walk around the corner to their house, my jaw
drops. I've tried to take a picture of the scene but my camera
doesn't do it justice... it's too bad. I'll just have to take a
picture in my mind so I never forget how pretty it is. Sorry you
can't see it, haha.
I love you all, take care!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Week 32
Hello family, how are you all?
What has happened this week? I don't know... lots.
I made an observation... back home I always ate a ton, right? I was a
bottomless pit and I ate and ate and ate, as long as there was food in
front of me. My appetite here has changed a lot. I hardly eat
anything anymore, even when I love the food! I think it's because I'm
not as active as I used to be. Even though I exercise every morning
and walk all day, the intensity level is way lower. It's the opposite
for Sister Patricio. She never exercised at home and now she eats a
lot more than she used to. It's weird. I still feel healthy and look
the same, I think..., but I just don't need all the calories I used to
need I guess. Hopefully when I go home, everything will go back to
normal. I played soccer a couple weeks ago and was able to play just
as hard as I always do when playing sports, but ended up getting
really sore, haha.
Here in the Philippines people want to be white. White is beautiful.
It's the opposite in America, where everyone wants to be tan. Where
we have tanning lotion and like to be out in the sun to get darker,
here people wear whitening lotion and always carry umbrellas with them
in fear of becoming darker. Interesting the differences, huh? :D By
the way... I'm not getting any tanner here. :( I thought I would, but
for some reason I don't think I am.
We had District Conference yesterday. President Pagaduan and Sister
Pagaduan came to speak as well as the Cebu Temple President and his
wife. I was surprised to find out that the Cebu Temple President is
President Pagaduan's father! It was a nice little family reunion for
them all! :D They definitely look alike! And his mother too. It was
fun sitting next to one of our deaf members and trying to translate
for her in sign language. I'm getting better! :D
The Karay-a is still a challenge for me a little bit. They understand
my Ilonggo just fine, but I have a hard time understanding their
dialect sometimes. And my companion speaks mostly Tagalog in lessons
which makes things even more challenging sometimes. But it's getting
better. The Karay-a is fun to learn.
This testimony will be mostly Ilonggo, but with some Karay-a mixed in.
Kamaan ko nga matuod ang simbahan. Nagbayad si Jesucristo para
kanaton tanan. Kon magbasa kita kang libro ni mormon adlaw-adlaw, kag
sundon ang mga kasuguan, mabaton naton duro nga bugay. Kamaan ko nga
kon magsalig kita sa Ginuo kag mabaton ang ebanghelyo ni Jesucristo,
makabalik kita kanaton nga amay sa langit kag mabaton ang kabug-usan
kang kalipayon. Makabalik kita kana bilang mga pamilya para sa walay
katubtuban. Matuod gid and ebanghelyo kag importante gid nga magsimba
kita kada Dominggo. May duro nga pagtilaw kag problema sini nga
panahon, pero kon may pagtuo kita kay Jesucristo kag sundon ang mga
kasuguan, malampuasan naton ang aton mga pagtilaw. May ara kita mga
problema para mangin baskog, pero kon hindi kita padayon hasta sa
katubtuban, basi madula naton ang aton panaksihon. Padayon kamo kag
magpangamuyo pirme para mangin lapit sa Dios. Salamat gid sa tanan,
Halong kamo,
Palangga ko kamo,
Sister McClellan
What has happened this week? I don't know... lots.
I made an observation... back home I always ate a ton, right? I was a
bottomless pit and I ate and ate and ate, as long as there was food in
front of me. My appetite here has changed a lot. I hardly eat
anything anymore, even when I love the food! I think it's because I'm
not as active as I used to be. Even though I exercise every morning
and walk all day, the intensity level is way lower. It's the opposite
for Sister Patricio. She never exercised at home and now she eats a
lot more than she used to. It's weird. I still feel healthy and look
the same, I think..., but I just don't need all the calories I used to
need I guess. Hopefully when I go home, everything will go back to
normal. I played soccer a couple weeks ago and was able to play just
as hard as I always do when playing sports, but ended up getting
really sore, haha.
Here in the Philippines people want to be white. White is beautiful.
It's the opposite in America, where everyone wants to be tan. Where
we have tanning lotion and like to be out in the sun to get darker,
here people wear whitening lotion and always carry umbrellas with them
in fear of becoming darker. Interesting the differences, huh? :D By
the way... I'm not getting any tanner here. :( I thought I would, but
for some reason I don't think I am.
We had District Conference yesterday. President Pagaduan and Sister
Pagaduan came to speak as well as the Cebu Temple President and his
wife. I was surprised to find out that the Cebu Temple President is
President Pagaduan's father! It was a nice little family reunion for
them all! :D They definitely look alike! And his mother too. It was
fun sitting next to one of our deaf members and trying to translate
for her in sign language. I'm getting better! :D
The Karay-a is still a challenge for me a little bit. They understand
my Ilonggo just fine, but I have a hard time understanding their
dialect sometimes. And my companion speaks mostly Tagalog in lessons
which makes things even more challenging sometimes. But it's getting
better. The Karay-a is fun to learn.
This testimony will be mostly Ilonggo, but with some Karay-a mixed in.
Kamaan ko nga matuod ang simbahan. Nagbayad si Jesucristo para
kanaton tanan. Kon magbasa kita kang libro ni mormon adlaw-adlaw, kag
sundon ang mga kasuguan, mabaton naton duro nga bugay. Kamaan ko nga
kon magsalig kita sa Ginuo kag mabaton ang ebanghelyo ni Jesucristo,
makabalik kita kanaton nga amay sa langit kag mabaton ang kabug-usan
kang kalipayon. Makabalik kita kana bilang mga pamilya para sa walay
katubtuban. Matuod gid and ebanghelyo kag importante gid nga magsimba
kita kada Dominggo. May duro nga pagtilaw kag problema sini nga
panahon, pero kon may pagtuo kita kay Jesucristo kag sundon ang mga
kasuguan, malampuasan naton ang aton mga pagtilaw. May ara kita mga
problema para mangin baskog, pero kon hindi kita padayon hasta sa
katubtuban, basi madula naton ang aton panaksihon. Padayon kamo kag
magpangamuyo pirme para mangin lapit sa Dios. Salamat gid sa tanan,
Halong kamo,
Palangga ko kamo,
Sister McClellan
Monday, December 3, 2012
Week 31
Jumping at the beach with Sister Schocker! |
How was your week? I had a super good week, which involved more traveling. I played soccer on Monday, which was the first time I had played any sports since the MTC. I played hard and ended up sore all week long... :( but I loved it all the same, even though soccer isn't my favorite sport.
On Wednesday, we traveled to Lapaz for our
Christmas Conference. We had to wake up at 3am! The car ride was actually really fun. The road was the windiest road I have ever been on, but one of the elders brought their guitar, so we were able to
play and sing songs the whole way there. It felt like home :D
The Conference was really good too. It was really fun to see all the
other missionaries and to watch their skits. We did a skit too, but
of course all I did was play the piano... that's what I get for having
Baptism - I feel huge next to them!!! |
Christmas already!! :D They also fed us lunch, but I think we must have eaten something bad because when we got home that night, all 4 of us sisters were sick. It didn't last long though. I've been so tired ever since coming here to Antique. I've been sleeping every spare minute and it's not helping. It might have something to do with our dogs and chickens and roosters and neighbors who are noisy all night long. I sleep right by the window which we can't close. It's okay though, somehow I'm still making it through every day and enjoying
Conference - The sister standing next to me is Sister Patricio, my new companion! |
The language Karay-a is coming. I still have a hard time understanding sometimes, but it's pretty close to Ilonggo. The switch keeps the mission interesting! Speaking of which, the mission is the best thing ever. Of course every once in a while I have the longing to go home, but it's only a small part of me. Yes the mission is hard, I miss you all and the comforts of life, but I'm not here for myself. If I was, I would have had my fun and gone back home by now. I am here for a greater purpose, which outweighs any inconvenience or
selfish thought. There's no way I'm going home early. Besides I love
it here. I can't make up my mind if it's going by fast or slow. At
the end though, I know it will be too soon.
Yesterday I ate a snail... yuck! I sucked out the juice and I
actually thought it tasted good, and then I wondered what it was and
took a closer look. It was at the deaf family's house. I looked at
it a little closer and it looked kind of like a snail! I
fingerspelled it to one of them, asking if that's what it was and they
nodded!! I'm grateful I know how to fingerspell! After that, I didn't
eat any more, haha. They also fed me this bamboo soup stuff. That
was good too! They said it came from the bamboo from their house!
Interesting, huh? Also at that house, they were really admiring my
arm hair. People here don't really have arm hair and I have quite a
bit... they were all pulling at it and feeling it and pretending to
sleep on it, haha. I was laughing so hard, but also fet a little bit
uncomfortable, haha
I was studying this week about virtue. Virtue originates in our
innermost thoughts and desires. It is a pattern of thought and
behavior based on high moral standards. A good way to judge where we
are at in our level of virtue is to ask ourselves "What do I think and
do when I believe that no one is watching?" If you ever have
unrighteous thoughts in your mind, quickly put them out of your mind
by focusing on righteous, uplifting thoughts. Obey the commandments
and counsel of church leaders and if you make a mistake, repent
quickly and pray to God for strength to overcome temptations. I think
by keeping our eyes single to the glory of God, and trying to improve
ourselves each day, we will be able to continually focus on righteous
things. When I am tempted, I try to remember my goal to return to

else knows, He does. We will both know the choices that I make and I
would hate to disappoint Him. I want to always please God and remain
worthy of His trust.
I hope you all have a wonderful week and that you always remember who
you are, children of God. I love you all!
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